Due to travel restrictions, we reimagined the 2020 Festival as a way to bring art to our local communities. Our artists each painted Chanukah murals in their own cities for eight murals around the US and Canada.
Due to travel restrictions, we reimagined the 2020 Festival as a way to bring art to our local communities. Our artists each painted Chanukah murals in their own cities for eight murals around the US and Canada.
Adam’s mural was painted at the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta. He teamed up over Chanukah with other local organizations including The Blue Dove Foundation (addressing the issues of mental illness and addiction in the Jewish community and beyond), the Breman Museum, and OneTable.
Rachel Gluski’s mural is now live at the Downtown Synagogue at Griswold and Clifford Streets. Big thanks to the Downtown Synagogue for being such an amazing partner!
Rabbi Yitzchok Moully’s huge (76 ft x 20+ ft) mural, #ShareYourLight, is now up at 569 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, NY (the corner of Myrtle and Classon). Everyone is invited to visit the mural and share your light: there is a basket of bright markers for everyone to come and share a positive message on the wall.
A few of our murals will be “lit” each night by members of the community. Here are photos of events from the first night.
Shlome J. Hayun and Sheina Dorn painted on the side of the Mamilla restaurant in the heart of the “kosher corridor” in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood on Wednesday, December 9, in a day-long celebration with the community. More photos coming soon!
Hillel finished his mural at the Edlavitch JCC today after a few days of painting, including in unexpected snow! The fallen leaves were painted by the JCC’s preschoolers, faculty, and staff. Daily candle lightings by local VIP guests will be at 2pm daily, weather permitting (except Saturday).
Mike Wirth’s #RBGMenorah mural is ready for lighting at Queens University of Charlotte! They have a full schedule of candle lightings each night. Click to read more and see the whole line-up.
Anshie Kagan’s mural was completed today opposite the Division subway station. Chabad will be organizing daily candle lightings during Chanukah. Join them for night 1 at 5:30pm on Thursday, December 10 at 1200 N Ashland Ave. Photos from the first night’s lighting below. There was a brief mention of the celebrations in the Chicago Sun […]
Bareket is the first of our artists to finish her mural! She worked over the weekend to add her signature bright colors to the Miles Nadal JCC in Downtown Toronto, completed on December 6. The kids coming into school are in for a surprise this morning!