For the collaborative mural at the Schecher Institute, we invited some of Israel’s top calligraphers and designers to join us: Izzy Pludwinski, David Goldstein, Bentzi Binder, David Moss, and Jamie Shear.

Izzy Pludwinski is a freelance calligrapher living in Jerusalem. He literally wrote the book on Hebrew calligraphy as the author of Mastering Hebrew Calligraphy, published by Toby Press. Izzy sees as his main calligraphic challenge the never-ending search for new, expressive forms for the Hebrew letter. His present interest lies in the use of calligraphy as a meditative device, using brush-written abstract Hebrew letter forms.

David Goldstein is a calligraphy artist and graphic designer, a graduate of Visual Communication at Shenkar College.

Bentzi Binder is a passionate typographer who loves incorporating type into the digital environment. He holds a Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication and Graphic Design from the Holon Institute of Technology (HIT). Apart from his work in the media industry, Binder creates custom designs according to the needs of his clients. In his spare time, he designs various Hebrew typefaces and experiments with modern Hebrew calligraphy.

David Moss, Mitzvah Beautifier, has spent the past 50 years illuminating Jewish texts, ideas and values through calligraphy, graphics, books, prints, sculpture, architecture and innovative educational programs. His studio is in Chutzot HaYotzer, Jerusalem.

Jamie Shear is a Torah scribe, artist and educator. He has completed 10 Torah scrolls for communities around the world. Jamie made Aliyah from Montreal 14 years ago and lives in Jerusalem with his family.

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