Both& by Bareket Kezwer

Both& by Bareket Kezwer

Bareket Kezwer’s mural “Both&”  at the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre in Toronto inspires us to consider the plague of binary thinking. Passover is a holiday celebrating the duality of freedom and slavery, a time when we intentionally hold the paradox of life—the inseparability and interdependence of seemingly contradictory phenomena.

What Sustains Us (Harlem) by Hillel Smith

What Sustains Us (Harlem) by Hillel Smith

JCC Harlem – 318 W 118th St, New York, NY 10026 Current circumstances have exacerbated the existing crisis of food insecurity in this country.  Meanwhile, an unexpected consequence of the pandemic has been reconnecting us to how and what we eat as we spend more time at home. In Hillel Smith’s paired murals, What Sustains Us, […]