We reimagined the 2020 Jewish Street Art Festival as a way to bring art to our local communities. Our artists each painted Chanukah murals in their own cities, for eight new murals around the US and Canada.

Washington, DC | Hillel Smith painted at the Edlavitch JCC Monday-Wednesday, December 7-9, along with participation from the JCC’s preschoolers, teachers, and staff. Daily candle “lightings” by special guests over Chanukah were held at 2pm each day, weather allowing (excluding Saturday).

Brooklyn | Yitzchok Moully completed his mural at Classon Ave and Myrtle Ave on Thursday, December 10. Flames on his menorah were painted each night of Chanukah by local artists, in partnership with Hadas Gallery + Synagogue. Everyone was invited to visit the mural and “share your light”: there was a basket of bright markers for everyone to come and share a positive message on the wall. The festivities culminated on Sunday, December 13, at 6pm with a lighting and party at the mural.

Charlotte, North Carolina | Mike Wirth‘s mural at Queens University of Charlotte Hillel was completed on Wednesday, December 9. It featured community candle lightings each night by the Jewish Federation, rabbis from Chabad and Charlotte’s Conservative and Reform synagogues, and the interfaith council at Queens, with the university president lighting the final night. See the full schedule here.

Toronto | Bareket Kezwer‘s mural was completed at the Miles Nadal JCC in downtown on December 6.

Los Angeles | Shlome J. Hayun and Sheina Dorn painted on the side of the Mamilla restaurant in the heart of the “kosher corridor” in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood on Wednesday, December 9, in a day-long celebration with the community.

Atlanta | Adam Podber painted at the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta starting Wednesday, December 9, and continuing over Chanukah. He was joined by representatives of various community organizations for select daily “lightings.”

Chicago | Anshie Kagan‘s mural was completed on December 8 opposite the Division subway station. Chabad organized public daily candle lightings, beginning with night 1 at 5:30pm on Thursday, December 10 at 1200 N Ashland Ave.

Detroit | Rachel Gluski painted at the Downtown Synagogue on Thursday and Friday, December 10-11. She joined their Zoom candle lighting on December 15 to speak about the project.

Read about the Festival in The Forward, Washington Jewish Week, The Jewish News, WFAE, CrownHeights.info (Yitzchok) and CrownHeights.info (Sheina).

This event was made possible through the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation’s Grassroots Events program.

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