It’s been such a blast seeing people enjoying our new work at the First Station. We’ve put together an album of all the art we’ve painted there so far. Check it out!
It’s been such a blast seeing people enjoying our new work at the First Station. We’ve put together an album of all the art we’ve painted there so far. Check it out!
We partnered with Kol HaOt and Hutzot Hayotzer, the Artists’ Colony to create this series of seven murals for the seven days of creation. We were honored to add some color to this hub of Jewish creativity just across the street from the walls of the Old City. Here’s the full series of completed murals.
Our collaborative mural for the Schechter Institute incorporates text and quotes from a variety Jewish sources, ancient and modern, centering on the concept of creation and learning. Each artist picked a source that they personally found meaningful and painted it on the wall in their own chosen style.
Bareket continues painting her mural at First Station, and we can see the design taking shape.
Artist Bareket Kezwer helps us cap up the Festival by painting one final mural at the First Station.
Over the last couple days we’ve had two more special guests add to our mural at the Schechter Institute: David Moss and Jamie Shear. Judy Kopelman added another text of her own, and with that the mural is done. Stay tuned for more photos once the scaffold comes down!
Now that the opening is behind us and Sukkot is over, we’re back at the Schechter Institute to add more layers to our mural there. Painting there today from our team is Lenore Mizrachi. We also have the amazing privilege of three phenomenal calligraphers and designers joining us: Izzy Pludwinski, David Goldstein, and Bentzi Binder.
We have signage! And mounted above the description of the exhibition by the Jerusalem Biennale is a pair of sculptures by Itamar Palogi, a.k.a FALUJA. We don’t have wall labels on the pieces yet, but those are coming soon.
Let’s not forget the incredible Dan Groover, the OG of Jewish street art, who painted a piece specially for us that now welcomes everyone as they enter the First Station!
We weren’t able to get all seven days of creation finished yesterday, so a special secret team-up stopped by Friday morning to work on the Second Day of Creation — sea and sky.